Car Jacking

A weapon for protection is NOT enough.

You can carry a gun, taser, or pepper spray every day, but if you don’t have the training to use it while a criminal is trying to take it away YOUR DONE.

Time to get serious training to be truly prepared.

Convicted robbers – 76% said that they would attempt to DISARM someone who tried to use a weapon in self-defense!

Do You Feel Safe In Your Vehicle?

One of the keys to protecting yourself and your family is reality training and having a plan of attack. Vehicle theft involves one or more criminal actors forcibly taking a vehicle from a person in the vehicle or simply getting in or out of the vehicle.

The number of vehicle thefts is increasing in Pennsylvania. Police say many of the attackers are young gunmen.

It goes without saying that most perpetrators will be armed when committing this act and will take control of the vehicle by intimidating them with a weapon such as a knife, gun or crowbar.

So what can you do to protect yourself and your family from carjacking?

Here are a few videos of live carjacking in broad daylight. 

For Training Session and Dates Contact Us Today

Home Invasion

How to identify attackers before they strike

Learn the best way to set up your home defense weapon. When and how to fight while your kids are with you. Can you escape safely or will you have used deadly force? 

Now is the time to take this critical step and be prepared for whatever danger you might face.


Are You Really Safe In Your Home? 

When intruders break into your home, either for fun or to rob you and take your family hostage, it is considered burglary. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that home invasions only happen in high-crime areas.

There are more stories of burglaries in suburban and rural areas than in the city. These attacks are more common than most people realize.

Burglary is a growing crime where criminals break into homes while you are home to commit crimes such as robbery, assault, rape, and murder during the daylight hours when you least expect it. 

We will develop an action plan for you and your family at home.

For Training Session and Dates Contact Us Today

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